Sultan Series cymbals combine the brilliance of the Traditional Series with the dry and woody sound of the Turk Series. The un...
The Sabian XSR O-Zone Crash in 16" is a high-quality B20 Crash with 16 holes, for trashy and short sound. The starting point wa...
By using a B10 bronze alloy that has a higher content of tin than the standard Classics Series cymbals, high-tech computerized...
The unique K-alloy as well as the elaborate hammering and lathing techniques make the Zildjian Cymbals very versatile instrum...
The combination of the high AA profile, the HH and HHX hammering, fully lathed under-side and a partially lathed top results ...
Sound: Funky feel and simmering blend of retro tone and crisp definition is ideal for grooving in any style. Sabian HHX cymba...
Sound: Bright and crisp pairing with open-sound top and tight, heavy bottom for boosted Tone Projection. Sabian HHX Evolution...
Sabian HHX cymbals put out rich, simmering tones that burn through the coolest music. Sound: Bright, crisp response is highly ...
The Signature Line Cymbals are made in Switzerland, exclusively by hand and present themselves as the top-series of Paiste cym...
The Cymbals of the A' Zildjian series belong among the most popular cymbals worldwide. They are very sensitive to react to dif...
These venerable cymbals - developed during the 1960’s rapid expansion of popular music - were faithfully recreated and re-lau...
Nachdem die Ride Becken aus der Vintage Pure Reihe von Meinl f?r enormes Aufsehen gesorgt haben, hat man sich bei Meinl dazu e...
Byzance Extra Dry The Extra Dry Cymbals of the Byzance Series stand out with their very low, earthy and slightly trashy sound...
Byzance Extra Dry Die Extra Dry Becken der Byzance Serie zeichnen sich durch besonders tiefe, erdige und leicht trashige Kl?n...
At the time, the 2002 Series from Paiste was the first series from the traditional Swiss manufacturer with a specially develop...